90 Degrees is a play performed by Cornley Drama Society. It is the sixth and final installment of series one of the Goes Wrong Show, and was first aired in the UK on 31st January 2020.
Buddy, Barbara and Larry Burgess gather in their family home to vist their dying father. His lawyer, Ronald Pines, gathers them to sort out the inheritance of the company Burgess Fine Tea. Buddy and Barbara say they intend to sell their shares, but Pines then reveals that their father wishes the business to remain intact, and so his Will will be amended to leave the entire business to Larry.
When the others have left, Barbara catches Buddy's wife Renee kissing Larry. She promises not to tell Buddy about their affair if Larry hands over control of the business to her, and Larry agrees. Larry and Barbara's are at their father's bedside as he passes away. Larry duly signs the business over to Barbara, who nevertheless reveals his affair with Renee to Buddy. Renee and Barbara then reveal that they are in a relationship - Renee's advances to Larry having been a trap to get him to sign over the business to Barbara - and the two women leave together. Buddy also leaves, and Larry is left alone with Ruffles the dog.
Cornley Cast[]
- Ronald Pines - Robert Grove
- Larry Burgess - Max Bennett
- Melinda - Annie Twilloil
- Barbara Burgess - Sandra Wilkinson
- Buddy Burgess - Dennis Tyde
- Renee Burgess - Vanessa
- Herb Burgess - Chris Bean
- Ruffles - Robert Grove/Chris Bean
- This episode was filmed last, as it was the most technically demanding.
- The sections upside down were filmed in 90-second bursts, because any longer would be dangerous.
- The cast all had to take blood pressure tests to make sure they would be able to film the upside down sections.
- The objects on the table and Larry's tie were kept on by a magnet system.
- The part where Neighbour Joe falls past the window was pre-recorded, as they had to set up a safe fall on the other side, where the living room set normally was.
- Most of the scenes shot the wrong way up were pre-recorded, as they were so technically demanding.
- This is Dennis' second time playing a human in "The Goes Wrong Show". The first is Carl McKinnon in A Trial to Watch. In "90 Degrees", (and again in "Summer Once Again" in Series 2) his character is a wheelchair user, perhaps as an attempt by the di-rec-tor to limit the number of times he can misunderstand stage directions (or speak them!)
- Charlie Russell's (Sandra) American accent is inspired by Jodie Foster in Silence of the Lambs.
- This is the second mention of the unseen canteen. The first is in Harper's Locket when Robert says: "You're not supposed to take [milk sachets] from the canteen!"
- The glasses were added to Mr Pines's costume to protect his eyes after a runthrough where the falling sugar and water went into his eyes, and it formed a paste.
- The scene where Melinda throws the beers up to Renee was cut in the middle, as it took Bryony Corrigan so long to catch them and she was visibly corpsing in the continuous shot.
- A scene had to be re-shot, meaning Jonathan Sayer (Dennis) had to change his trousers then the gazpacho had to be painted on for continuity purposes.
- Originally Max and Robert were playing each other's parts but they were swapped.
- Chris plays a father of three in this play, as he does in Peter Pan. His three children are played by the same actors (Sandra, Dennis, Max) in both plays.
- Largely known for having fun as things "go wrong," Max is unusually flustered by the events of episode, most likely due to the danger presented by the angle of the sets.